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Student Executive

The Student Executive is a democratically elected body of the students. It plans and initiates activities involving the whole school.
This exercise provides students with opportunities not only to use their managerial and organizational skills, and more importantly also learn important lessons in teamwork and responsibility.

The Student Executive Comprises of :

  • General Secretary
  • Deputy General Secretary
  • A Secretary and a Deputy Secretary for each of the following portfolios:
  • Bulletin boards
  • Scientific affairs
  • Homeroom co-ordination
  • School facilities
  • Cultural affairs
  • Programme implementation
  • Literary affairs
  • Current affairs
  • Environment affairs
  • External affairss

Voting is by a secret ballot. The process begins with the election of 6 Class Representatives each from class VI to XII. Class Representatives in turn elect the General Secretary and the Deputy General Secretary.Candidates for the position of Class Representative are invited to present their manifestos to the class. Candidates for the post of General Secretary and Deputy General Secretary present their manifestos to the whole school.

All the elected members and some nominated members of the Student Executive attend an overnight Leadership Training Camp.
This Executive plans and organizes the following activities:

  • 'Self-Teaching' day
  • 'Parents' day
  • Rangoli competition
  • Activity week
  • Spic-Macay events
  • Special assemblies and CAs
  • Excursions
  • Personality development camps for classes VI and VIII
  • Workshops, cultural activities and inter-school events
  • Food festival
  • Awareness campaigns- e.g. anti-cracker campaign(before Diwali), 'say no to plastics' and the    like are organized each year.

End of the term is time for an interactive feedback session between the students and the Executive on their year-long performance. "NAYANKUR VIDYARTHI PARISHAD" is Junior School's own Vidyarthi Sangh - the student executive. It comprises of elected and nominated representatives of Class IV & V.

They are elected after the Class Representatives have attended a Leadership Training Camp with a view to developing their organizational skills to become effective leaders. The Parishad is headed by the Mukhya Pratinidhi assisted by Up-Pratinidhi and nine elected members.