Lodi Estate, New Delhi - 110003
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Staff Recruitment Form
Note: All '*' marked fields are Mandatory. Please mention 'NA' if not applicable.

Application for this Post *  
First Name * Middle Name Last Name
Date  of  Birth * Place of  Birth
Nationality Height(cm) Weight(kg)
Marital Status
Mother Tongue Other Language(s) Know
Address For Communication
Permanent Address
Mobile No.* E-Mail*
Tel. No. (Resi) Tel. No. (Off.)
Upload passport size photograph (JPG/PNG) * 
Educational History (Starting from final year at school)
    Year of      
School/College University or Board Entry (Year) Leaving (Year) Major Subjects Marks % & Division Medium of Instruction
Details of Any Training Undergone During The Last  5 Years
Item Description From Date & Duration

Employment Record

Details Of Experience (Starting with your present employment and working downwards).
Year & Month Name & Location Of Institution Designation Brief Description Of Duties Reason For Change
From To
Present Employment
Name And Address Of Organisation
No. of Employees Date of Joining
Designation on Joining Present Designation
Date of Appointment to Present Position
Present Job Responsibilities (in brief) Organisation Chart Indication Reporting Relationships

IMP : If you have held your present appointment for less than one year, please describe your previous appointment in as much details as possible, on a separate sheet.
Remuneration Particulars (Present employment) as on
Particulars Quantum Remarks
Pay Scale
Basic Salary
Dearness Allowance
House Rent Allowance
Other (Please Specify)
Total (Gross Salary)
What is Your Salary Expectation ?
If Selected, How Soon Can You Join ?
Special Skills (Relevant to the job applied for) That You Possess
Achievement in Games/ Sports/ Athletics/ NCC/ Scouting/ Girl Guide etc. Give Details
Interest in  Co-Curricular Activities: Give self-assessment of Competency level on a 5-point scale in the brackets. (The highest number corresponds to the best.)
Art (Specify) : Dramatics :
Dance (Specify) : Music (Specify) :
Crafts (Specify) : Public Speaking :
Recitation/Elocution/Debate : Participation in Tours/Social Service Camps Etc. :
Places You Have Travelled To With Purpose , Duration And Date 
Place Visited Purpose Duration Form / To
Hobbies And Specific Interest
Hobbies/ Interests Remarks, including achievements
Membership of Literary, Social, Cultural, Religious or Political Organisations
Name of Organisation Nature of Association
Details of Physical Disabilities, Serious Illness, If Any
Disability/ Illness Consequence
Have You Been Arrested/ Indicated, Or Summoned To Court, Convicted, Fined Or Imprisoned For Criminal Offence ? *

Any Community Work Done by You



Details of Spouse

Name Age Occupation

Education Qualifications of Spouse

Education Qualifications Special Skills

Other Diplomas / Certificates

Other Interests


Present Employment Details of Spouse

Organization Designation Income. P.A

Details of Children

Name Sex Age Education School / College

Details of Parents

Parent Name Age Occupation Education School / College
Give Below The Names Of Two Referees, Not Related To You, Whom We Can Contact. Both Should Be Holding Responsible Positions. At Least One Of Whom Should Be In Your Line Or Occupation.
S. No. Name of Referee Occupation Address & Phone No.




How did you select the career that you have had so far?  


What are your political beliefs, living in a country like India?  


In your opinion what problems should you be prepared to face if you adopt aparticipatory mode of teaching/ administration?  


In your view what is role of periodic meeting of the faculty? How often should it be scheduled?  


Give 2 examples of (a) initiatives taken by you in your present job and (b) personal drive demonstrated by you in achieving your job goals.  


Please write briefly why you consider yourself the most suitable for this job.  


In your view what three changes are urgently needed in our Educational System?  


I certify that the foregoing information is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed. I am not aware of any circumstances that may impair my fitness for employment. If at any time i am found to have concealed or misrepresented any material information or given any false details, my appointment shall be liable to summary termination without notice or compensation.

Date Place