Circulars & Notices | News & Announcements
There are over 100 teachers and subject specialists form the hub of the education activity at SPV.
At the beginning of the year, the teachers discuss general and special needs of students and prepare an annual plan. The objectives of the annual plan become critical input to the timetable. Regular monitoring of course coverage help identify deficiencies, problems and development needs.
A professional attitude is highly prized at SPV. In order to hone skills and keep abreast with the latest in their subject areas,each year many of our teachers attend special workshops and seminars. Discussions at staff meetings, amongst others are designed to result in cross-fertilization of teaching methods and techniques.
Many of our teachers act as resource persons, provide consultancy and conduct special workshops, which not only enhance their own learning but also help bring in fresh ideas from outside. Prestigious institutions like the CBSE, DIET, BRITISH COUNCIL, and CEMD etc. regularly invite our teachers as resource persons.
Our teachers have written text books which have been published by well known publishers. Very few schools can boast of as many teachers as we have who have authored course books and designed course material.