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It is a sad commentary on the state of our society that value education has to be mentioned under a separate head. All institutions e.g. the family, the school, imparts values through its processes and what is held importantly may be communicated by design or otherwise. Children, as do all human beings, take their cue not so much from WHAT is said, as HOW it is expressed, the communication being as much verbal as non-verbal. Thus every programme of the school conveys some value(s) and the very choice and omission area signal to the child of what is upheld as important by the Vidyalaya.
Value education, thus is not imparted through lessons exclusively on ethics. It is the very process of socialization, continuous and all-pervading, permeating everything that is experienced by all – songs, plays, discussions, ‘stutis’, passages for comprehension, books for rapid reading, titles for creative writing, themes for projects, the system of rewards, appreciation and reprimand, programmes for thrift, recycling and a non-aggressive ambience, and the way these are organised on democratic participatory lines for a maximum number to benefit from them.
No list of values can be exhaustive. We have therefore chosen to work within the framework of our constitutional values which encompass almost all that is desirable to be inculcated in the citizens at the school.